Mixing Babies And Business™

002 | Managing expectations, freelance work and parenting in a pandemic with Frankie Tortora | PT1

Amy Maureen Lynch Season 1 Episode 2

PT 1: This is the first of three mini episodes of our chat with Frankie Tortora, a freelance graphic designer, mum of two and founder of Doing It For The Kids — a community by and for freelance parents. Stay tuned for the next two episodes over the coming week where we talk about all things community, creativity and parenthood. 

Frankie is also co-host of DIFTK The Podcast with Steve Folland, recipients of Bronze Best Business Podcast at the British Podcast Awards 2020. 

Our conversation took place in August before we knew if the kids were going back to school and between the ever-changing lockdown restrictions in Canada and England. 


  • Sharing the drudgery and being real as a freelance parent
  • Parenting and attempting to work from home during a pandemic
  • Switching back and forth between unpaid and paid work
  • A podcasting tech glitch
  • Why you need firm email autoresponders
  • Setting hard boundaries with our time and availability
  • Adjusting our plans for 2020–2021 and letting it go



We’re always happy to hear from you! Send us your feedback and share your work from home with kids stories via email at: contact@mixingbabiesandbusiness.com

Did you enjoy this episode? Please share it with other parents you’re connected with and encourage them to tune in. 

Learn more about #mixingbabiesandbusiness:
For parents interested in entrepreneurship, flexible and remote work with kids: http://mixingbabiesandbusiness.com/free-resources



Frankie is a freelance graphic designer, mum of two and founder of Doing It For The Kids — a community by and for freelance parents. Through the DIFTK blog, Facebook community, face-to-face meetups and weekly podcast, Frankie is proving that all sorts of good stuff can occur when self-employed parents are given the opportunity to connect. 

Frankie Tortora http://francescatortora.com/
Doing It For The Kids http://www.doingitforthekids.net/
DIFTK The Podcast – Bronze Best Business Podcast at the British Podcast Awards 2020! http://www.doingitforthekids.net/diftk-podcast/
DIFTK Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/DIFTK
DIFTK Instagram http://instagram.com/doingitforthekids_


I believe parenthood and professional development doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive.

As a social impact movement and community, I'm focused on producing parent-friendly professional development, digital resources and more inclusive and flexible work solutions for primary caregivers.

The pod


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For parents interested in flexible and remote work with kids:

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